Open Letter

Your letter left me with a very uneasy feeling. I could not possibly fathom that our world could end up like the world in you book. It seems as though you have no hope in human culture. I think we will prevail hopefully. For our world to end up like The Road and your poem would be heart breaking. I dont think the government will leave us although you never know what their capable of and what they know. There are many things that could happen for the world to be in this state but I hope and pray that, that will never happen. I think that with the many "good" people we have in the human culture we will prevail. I just hope to never see a day where the world is in that state, I hope that rhe generations after me won't either. I kind of love the world right now and I hope or never changes although I do hope that peace will come to world. Your view on how the world will be was very well written but I wished you wouldve had a little more faith in the human culture :)

Father to Son

The father to son relationship in The Road is very powerful. The father is basically living for his son, just in order for his son to survive. I think it is beautiful how much the father loves his son. My father and I don't necessarily have the close bond that the father and son in the book have. The way he cares for his son is the way that a good father should care; he does everything for his son. Nowadays you don’t see too many relationships like this one. There are many fathers who are out of the picture and don’t care for their child enough to pick up the phone. There are too many times where fathers don’t understand the place they hold in their child’s life. Such as, in this story the boy needs his father in order to survive. Without his father there he would’ve been dead immediately. There are times where I take my father for granted but just like the father in The Road he is always there. I think every father should strive to be like the father in the book. EVERY expecting father should be required to read this book!

The Moment I Knew I Was An American

This blog topic is a pretty tricky for me but honestly I have always felt I was American. I was born and raised in the USA right in Chicago. So why wouldn't I be an American? I think I possess qualities that a good American should have so I think I am an American. I think when I really began to appreciate my country was when I became interested in politics. I never really cared much about American till like the 7th grade when we began debating topics. America the beautiful, till 7th grade I never really knew what that meant. I now know that America is a wonderful and amazing place, it's a place that everyone can come to to have a great life. I think if someone older wrote this blog they would talk about how September 11th made them an American but I don't really remember that day because I was 6 years old. I think if I was older, that would've been my moment that I knew I was an American. When I watch documentaries about that day I am sad and upset at the disaster. I wish I could've been older to help, maybe the victims family. I hope to go to New York soon to see ground zero and get better look on our history.