My Red Hunting Hat

Let me start this blog off by saying that I don't own ANY hats which I find really sad. I don't even have a winter hat! That's how sad my wardrobe is lol.
Okay back to the topic

I think my red hunting hat would be my personality. I wouldn't say I'm loud in particular, but if I'm around people I'm comfortable out! Lol I would say that with my personality I seem to pick out people who are like me with the same qualities. People who like to have fun, love music, speak their mind, honest, and more. Funness is very important to me and honesty. I know funness is not a word guys but it's okay! It's my blog isn't it? :) (I'm listening to Arcade Fire btw big ups to Mr. McCarthy for putting me on!) Holden seems to judge people from the surface with little to no information about them. I can't say I don't do that but I try really hard not to. I hate when I'm judged or when people judge others in front of me. Like Holden I do feel as though their are a lot of phonies around me, but their always will be unlike him I do not go looking for them.

Well that"s all folks!

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